The Colter
Bay Village Marina offers a wide range of activities and
In this picture you can see a raft of canoes for rent with Mt
Moran and the Teton
Range in the background.

Rental boats at Colter
Bay Village Marina with the Teton
Range in the Background.

Private boats at Colter
Bay Village Marina on Jackson
Lake with the Teton
Range and Mt
Moran and Grand
Teton Mountain in the background.

Rental canoes at Colter
Bay Village Marina on Jackson
Lake in Grand
Teton National Park.

This sign is located at the junction on US-89 where the road to
Lake Dam and Signal Mountain turns off. From this point
on US-89 the John
D. Rockefeller Jr. Memorial Parkway will take you to Jackson
Lake Lodge, Colter
Bay Village and Campground,
Ranch and the south gate to Yellowstone
National Park

Marina at Colter
Bay Village on Jackson
Lake in Grand
Teton National Park.
Moran is the mountain on the far side of Jackson

Picture of Teton
Mountain Range and Mt
Moran viewed from vantage point near Jackson
Lake Lodge.